The Empowered Price Plan

A 3-Tiered, pick-what-feels-great, class-equitable payment model

Because the investment in changework shouldn't be your "biggest transformation"!

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Wanna listen to me jam on the Empowered Price Plan model?

I explain all the deets in Episode 78 of my podcast.

Listen to Ep. 78
Sometimes we need an empowering Coach to shine a light on where fear is driving us to devalue growth work…

But lot's of times

"I can't afford that"

is fucking true.


The Empowered Price Plan gives my private clients an opportunity to pick your own payment, based on 3 available Tiers:



Choose an aligned number within this tier if:


You can comfortably afford the things you want. You have access to financial security, own property or have personal savings. You spend $$ on vacations at least yearly, buy coffee at the swanky coffee shop, attend festivals, concerts and dinners out. You are well-resourced and enjoy the classic self care splurges every now and again..Botox, anyone?! You spend no time stressing about basics like food, health care, child care, etc. The kids participate in paid extracurriculars and Fido enjoys trips to doggie daycare. Or maayybe you're child-free + fancy free, so instead of saving up for your daughter's inevitable therapy bills, you can cash in on some mindset magic of your own. Most importantly, you are a badass.

*This tier represents my full rate range and by choosing into this rate, you are doing your part to spread that proverbial love & light, pay it forward and contribute to a more equitable world by supporting access to Coaching for those with less.

This is ME. Let's Go.



Choose an aligned number within this tier if:


Your basic needs (food/housing/transportation) are solid, but you sometimes stress about spending on non-essentials. You might have some debt to pay off or are just starting to build savings but you have access to steady income or a steady financial support system. You plan your own yearly vacations (who needs a fancy resort anyway?!), stock your kitchen with those cute olive oils from TjMaxx, and deal with the roommate drama to save on [ehem, absurd] housing costs. You own or lease a car but may share with a partner or kid. Making this investment might mean you need to cut back on discretionary expenses like your monthly essential oil delivery (GASP!) or weekly cocktails but your sacrifices do not cause harm or long term stress. Most importantly, you are a badass.

I'm IN for this Tier.



Choose an aligned number within this tier if:


You have access to basic needs but sometimes it can feel difficult to keep up. You can save up for things you want but it takes a while. You would likely qualify for sliding scale rates (ie: without a deliberate opportunity presented for you to access services like health care, mental health care, childcare, extracurriculars or even food acquisition at a cost that is reflective of economic realities, you wouldn't be able to participate). Saving up for Tier 2 would take you longer than 12 months. You are the queen of thrifting and brew a mean cuppa joe in your home coffee pot! Your nervous system did a little nauseating flip-flop when it saw these numbers, but you've got grit and with a payment plan it would be manageable--a sacrifice but not a hardship. (See the "Hot for a Payment Plan?" section below, hottie.)  Most importantly, you are a badass.

Tier 3 all day baby!

Not seeing yourself in ANY of these Tiers? Peep my FREE & LOW COST rescources below to find your jam!

Free Podcast

Mind Magic

Sink in to thought work and learn some basics about how to change how you think, feel and show up to your life. I talk about so many topics on the show including Relationships, Anxiety, Habit Change, Entrepreneurship & more. Scroll through past episodes to see what aligns for you now. 


Two-Week Private Coaching Experience

Me Time

Want the 1:1 Coaching without the 4 month commitment (or price tag!)? Get two weeks of access to work on the first steps toward your goals. 

Self-Guided Course

Manifestation Mistress

This course contains modern day magic for the practical witch. In other words: I help you take the hocus-pocus out of creating what you desire and learn the actionable steps to manifesting the life you want.


Pre-Recorded Masterclass

Getting Back ON (after a bump, a slump or an unexpected ego death)

Make a COMEBACK even after your enthusiasm for working on your goal seems to have shriveled and died completely. In my FAVORITE masterclass to date, I teach you how to make showing up consistently for your goals feel exciting & feminine-friendly! 




Investing in Life Coaching shouldn't feel like kissing with your eyes open. Like, trying to enjoy it but actually distracted af.

Saying YES, I'm IN should unlock the pleasure of full surrender, to close your eyes, lean in, feel that excitement quiver (hardly distinguishable from anxiety, but something about it lets you know that it's a good thing) and REALLY get hot for the experience. 
I am committed to creating a conscious, intentional and open conversation around investing.
In other words:
  • Let's stop pretending that everyone just has a casual $5,000 cash caught in their dyer's lint collector.
  • Let's stop trying to solve our discomfort about real financial circumstances by spending more money & calling that a "transformation".
  • Let's un-shame the phrase "I can't afford that" and start honoring it with actual solutions. 



 How does a


Within each Tier, you have EVEN MORE options. (Yeah, this is how we create epic authority & personal autonomy so you can lead yourself happily & safely into this experience. As it should be.)
You may opt to break down your investment into 4 monthly payments. The total cost will be paid in full by the end of our program container.
This gives even more flexibility to how much you can comfortably invest. 
Payment plans are opportunities to ask yourself: if I didn't have to pay ALL AT ONCE, what would my 100% commitment-to-self number be? 
If you'd like a payment plan, just lemme know!
The breakdown will depend on your all-in number.
*Quick Note on Payment Plan Options:
Paying for Coaching over time is not "better" or "worse" than paying in full upfront. It's literally a preference thing. 
Payment plans are kinda like romantic comedies; Some of ya'll go ga-ga for the quirky, montage-infested, predictable storylines...and then some of you are just plain disinterested in sitting through 2 hours of Zach Efron making shirtless dad-jokes. To watch or not to watch? Your call!
K Let's GO!


Hold up. Before You Pass Go & Collect Your Coaching, Hear This: 


I trust you to show up in integrity and honor this work by being honest about what price is most aligned for you now.
My private clients are women who feel like a spiritual soul-sister match for me and for my work. You wouldn't be here if our souls were not equally horny for some intellectual intercourse...I trust you to keep it consensual. ;)


SOME QUESTIONS to help your inner-knowing decide what price Tier is MOST aligned for you now:


  • What number would necessitate a sacred sacrifice but keep me firmly planted in true safety?*
  • What number would make me feel like a total badass to energetically invest in myself? (Total badass= ego is fed by my ability to stretch AND my body is fed by my ability to continue to put actual food on my table)
  • Which Tier feels like a no-brainer, totally doable? What if I went up a tier and flexed a payment plan request?
  • If I took this number out of my bank account now, would I know with 100% certainty that that number would come back to refill that space at some point and I wouldn't have to suffer while waiting for it?
  • Should I throw an angel number in there just for funsies?!


*a sacred sacrifice is something that you might need to give up for a time in honor of your big desire to dive into this coaching work.


Sacred Sacrifices I've made in honor of big investments: opting out of a weekend getaway, keeping the old Iphone for an extra year, shopping at the discount grocery store, pausing my clothing subscription box for a few months, coloring my own hair, selling my car (only because we already have another and I don't need to drive to work).  Sacred Sacrifices do not threaten your basic needs of food, housing, transportation and do not create hardship.

Ok one more time for the hottie on her smartphone drinking a fresh pressed green juice in the back: 

if you opt into a lower Tier than you can truthfully afford, it limits space for those that really need it. Your honesty about your circumstances helps this community of empowered women devoted to their growth to remain healthy & sustainable. 

Your willingness to get super creative, ask daddy for financial support, or make short-term sacrifices that don't actually compromise your safety makes you a snack-n-a-half in my book...and that, for the record, is my highest level of praise.



Have Questions?

I WOULD LOVE to talk this out with you on a call.
Part of killing off the stigma around money is to have more conversations about it in the light of day. Fear shrivels like a prune in the face of answered questions.
The Empowered Price model was heavily inspired by Alexis J Cunningfolk who created this epic visual representation of the three tiers that I graciously borrow to further illustrate who is a match for each tier: