Take Me There

*2024 Live Runs: January 15-March 23 & October 6-December 14*



Ready to take a break from alcohol without falling down 12 steps?

SOUL TONIC is a feminine approach to habit change, creating a new relationship with drinking, and making space for your big dreams. 

In Soul Tonic, we learn how to get DRUNK ON LIFE.


Make taking a break easier (soothing-for-the-soul, even!), learn the exact methods I use to help my clients get unstuck from the inside out, and never struggle through another Sober October Challenge or week of "being good" the same way again!

This experience will help you feel empowered & in-control with your drinking, no matter how many times you've let yourself down before.

You'll have simple, lifelong tools to help you feel safe & content with your choices, genuinely enjoy yourself through authentic play, creativity & connection curated to align you with your spirit---and kiss drinking FOMO goodbye for good. 

We drop all the common "rules" about how to quit drinking (some women even *gasp* DRINK during this program!) and stop living drink to drink. We sink into LIVING, without all the mental chatter about when you'll drink again, or how much you should drink, or how bummed you are at yourself...you know, all the bullying your brain does that only leaves you feeling lowkey like landfill garbage? 


In just 10 weeks, you'll be looking back at this season of memories with lightness, presence and deep appreciation for yourself. With bright eyes, glowing skin, sharp mind, noticing (maybe for the first time) how truly sexy you are, recalling how much fun you've had independent of drinking, and YOU ARE IN AWE OF THE PERSON YOU'VE BECOME.

If you want to stop overthinking about it, and witness yourself as a woman who doesn't need alcohol to lube up for life, Soul Tonic will help you feel at peace with your drinking decisions so you can spend your precious thought energy on things you actually care about. 


*WARNING* Consumption of Soul Tonic puts women at risk of not needing a drink to feel cool, calm, connected or confident. 

What's included in


Program at a glance:

  • group Coaching Calls*
  • Community Chat
  • 5 x Soul Sips (pre-recorded teaching modules)
  • 44 page Soul Tonic digital/printable Journal
  • mystery masterclasses (hot topics that arise based on group vibe!)

You will have LIFETIME ACCESS to the group chat, journal, recordings and masterclasses. 


LIVE sessions are run 2x per year for 10 weeks. During these live runs, you'll receive access to custom coaching directly from Hanna on whatever is coming up! Bring questions & get answers to all your unique-to-your-situation questions!


Private group messenger Telegram where we share struggles & celebrations, get peer support, ask questions & stay accountable. This is the thing I was missing MOST when I got sober. 


Pre-recorded teaching modules packed with juicy coaching to guide you through your journey. These sips include strategies for "how" as well as neuro-somatic tools for habit change, thought work to release limiting beliefs, hypnosis, meditation, and subconscious clearing of stress, anxiety, insecurity & more! 


The digitally fillable journal is a beautiful way to luxuriate in this process with yourself. Overflowing with guided reflections, awareness-inducing prompts, mantra templates, a treat menu and much more to dive into whenever you have the urge to un-learn the desire to drink and reconnect with your inner guidance. 


These mini sessions come to you as audio recordings to pop in your ears like your own private podcast! The mystery will unfold as the group dynamic develops and specific topics of interest arise. Some potential discussions: Sober sex; Dealing with unsupportive partners; Going out sober; Sugar cavings; Being annoyed by EVERYONE; etc


Everyone who joins Soul Tonic will receive an opportunity to up-level their program to include three 90-minute private Coaching sessions with Hanna at a discounted rate! This is an optional addition to the program which many women find invaluable. Transformations run rampant there ;)

I'm ready. Let's Go.

I've been there...

Girl, I know you. I've been you. Not sure if you "have a problem" or if it's just a willpower thing. White-knuckling through yet another Sober October Challenge and diving back into drinking knowing nothing new about how to actually LIVE in your values as a healthy, activated, empowered-in-your-choices kinda gal. 

I tried cutting back SO MANY TIMES (I like to say I took 3 years to change my relationship with alcohol overnight). After a few weeks of lonely nights going "no contact" I'd end up celebrating my success with...you guessed it...a fuckin drink! 

Finally, I discovered that the culturally acceptable stop-drinking tactics were not created for me. The female, grey-area drinker with a desire to FEEL FED, FULL, AND FREE inside my life, not like I was just trying to follow some rules and flog myself raw each time I messed up.

I didn't want to just stop drinking, I wanted to un-learn the urge for it. I didn't just want to "reach a goal", I wanted to transform into a woman bursting with self-trust, confidence and detachment from the thing I thought I needed to exist in this modern world. I didn't want to just get to the end of the challenge, I wanted this to be the beginning. 



I am a Certified Life Coach with a degree in Developmental Psychology. I've been specializing in bringing Mood Magic to Anxious Queens for the past 7 years and fancy myself a nervous-system magician. 

Wanna know the REAL reason I'm qualified to shaman you through this sobriety journey?  

  • 10 years ago I decided to stop drinking...and admittedly, it was a bumpy ass ride. 
  • I had a lot of shame about even WANTING to get sober, and so I isolated myself from friends and family
  • I didn't know how to manage my emotions then, so getting sober actually made it HARDER to live with myself
  • I grew resentful & angry at people who drank
  • I replayed patterns of insecurity, not-enough-ness, unworthiness, & anxiety and instead of numbing them with alcohol I decided to numb them with fake happiness. I spent a long time PRETENDING to be happy 
  • I tried to fit myself into the traditional sobriety box...going to AA meetings and printing "Take A Break" documents off Pinterest, only to feel totally grossed out by treating sobriety like a game I needed to win but endlessly lost 

In 2010, I decided to re-write the story of getting sober.

I hired a Coach to help me learn how to come home to my sober-self. I separated from an abusive partnership. Harnessed the courage to put myself out in the world again, on my terms. I started to create a process for actually ENJOYING not drinking. I learned to manage my mind, clear emotional trauma, and empower my nervous system. 

  • I understand every "but" and "can't" behind the girl who desires more intentional drinking habits and constantly feels let down by herself. 
  • I know the shame of showing up to a party and feeling so awkward you have to gtfo of there immediately.
  • I remember, quite clearly, the first time someone told me I wasn't fun anymore. 
  • I tried and failed at having a sober experience that felt good to me for over a year.
  • I now know the EXACT thoughts that were in my way, the EXACT blind spots that were keeping me stuck, the EXACT feminine process that brought me back to life without drinking...and THAT is what qualifies me to teach you how to do it better. 




I'm In.

"Being in this program has been incredibly supportive in figuring out my relationship with alcohol. Listening to the secret codes, the coaching calls, reading the revelations of the women in the group were so insightful.

The last two weeks were family vacation weeks where I would've absolutely been drinking heavily. I didn't have one single drink and those were the best times I've had on trips in adulthood.

Also went to a concert (sober) and it was one of the best shows ever!

I am grateful for this new chapter in my being. "



YES, if:


...drinking feels like part of your identity (like who would you even BE, what would you even DO?!)...but sometimes that identity isn't your fav.


...you have gotten into a groove before with intentional drinking habits but then life happens (yet again) and so you reward yourself for enduring the madness with a bottle of vino and spend the rest of the week beating yourself up about it.


...you drink when you're anxious and then get anxious cuz you drank...so you order just one more to see it maaaaybe this one will really help.


...you often decide "this week I'm going to take it easy & be good"...but then your girlfriends call to meet for ONE cocktail and before you know it it's 3 AM and you're binge-watching Selling Sunset & licking Cheeto powder off your fingers so you can drunk-text your ex.
...you're really good at justifying why you NEED to have a drink..."My boss was an asshole." "The kids have been a handful lately." "The dog just farted." (Even though you know it's just a humble attempt at making yourself feel less guilty.)
...you think "WOW that would be SO EMPOWERING to stop drinking...but also, sounds fuckin lonely". 


...you love the idea of sobriety for your mental health, your body, your sleep, motivation, relationships, alertness, skin, coping skills...but you've never actually fully committed to taking a break from alcohol because you don't actually trust yourself to follow through.


Yes, this is a sobriety program, but Soul Tonic is less about the act of being sober and more about learning the intricacies of leading yourself home when you get a lil lost. So if you ANTICIPATE gettin a lil lost along the way, this is the tonic your soul needs. 

"Before this I didn't do things solo because of lack of confidence. Drinking gave me a false sense of confidence but I still never went & did anything with it--funny how that works. Now that I'm not drinking I had the courage to actually go out and do it!

PS- This was the first time in 15 + years I was sober from drinking, weed or any psychedelics."


2024 LIVE RUNS*: 

January 15th-March 23rd


October 6th-December14th





4 monthly payments


  • archive of group coaching calls
  • 6 opportunities for coaching during each live round
  • 44 page interactive journal
  • lifetime membership to the community chat
  • 5x 'secret sips' modules to indulge in at your own pace
  • access to all mini masterclasses, bonus modules & extras added throughout the program timeline
  • Immediate access to a BONUS cellular calibration hypnosis! 



one time payment


  • archive of group coaching calls
  • 6 opportunities for coaching during each live round
  • 44 page interactive journal
  • lifetime membership to the community chat
  • 5x 'secret sips' modules to indulge in at your own pace
  • access to all mini masterclasses, bonus modules & extras added throughout the program timeline
  • Immediate access to a BONUS cellular calibration hypnosis!


Twice per year, the program runs live, as a 10-week group experience. During these live runs, there will be a schedule of live coaching calls via zoom that you can join, and receive custom coaching on whatever is coming up for you! 

FEEL FREE TO JOIN SOUL TONIC ANYTIME, work through the material at your own pace and jump in with us during the live runs for an extra boost in fun, comittment and community energy!  

"The coaching exercise Hanna did with me reconnected me to my power center. What I realized is: I'm the one. I get to do this for myself. And I can do it.

I'm not the same girl I was."






IMAGINE waking up on Sunday morning feeling energized & enthusiastic about your day...you might even hit that 7 am yoga class you've been dodging for the last 6 months. 

IMAGINE having the know-how to wind down without wine, being really rested, and giving your brain the juice it needs to get creative & into action on your most aligned goals. 

IMAGINE walking into a party and feeling totally indifferent about the open bar, truly confident in your ability to say "no thanks" even though literally everyone is drinking, and gaining even more momentum toward an expanded, healthier, sexier, connected version of you...

...And IMAGINE doing it your way, with a supportive group of women who totally fucking get it by your side. 


This is not a fantasy. It's my reality and the reality of many of my clients. I would love the opportunity to support you in making it yours too.

"I love having this community support. Not feeling weird for just being me without the liquid courage was a personal struggle. Thank all you ladies for helping me be vulnerable."





I'm ready for a soul tonic...




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