Lifetime Access


For all the anxious (and fabulous) ladies!

Anxious mothers, anxious entrepreneurs, anxious girlfriends, anxious friends--WOMEN of all kinds who are ready to ditch the tippy-toed version of healing, replace it with a sloppy make-out sesh with your brain and make some new rules about how to operate in this triggering af world.

Are you ready to embody the calm, confident Queen you were always meant to be? 

This is where your anxieties come to die. (And also get loved on because anxiety itself is not actually all bad, and I'm gunna prove it to you inside AQA!)  

It's never too late to go back to school for something you'll actually use.






A Sneaky Peek at the first six courses of the Ten Week Course Curriculum:

AQA 101: How to Stop Being Anxious & Claim Your Birthright

No more drama Queens! You'll drop the identity that keeps you chained to your anxiety. And accept your place on your anxious throne. Your worth is infinite, and you're going to prove it to yourself. 

AQA 102: Nervous System = Royal Family

Befriend your body so it can do it's job right by you! Somatic experience and expressions you've never tried before that will get you and your bod on the same tranquil wavelength.  

AQA 103: By Royal Decree- It's Not You, It's Me

Exploring all the relationship messes your anxiety is making and sopping that shit up. Dethroning the fawn and claiming authority over your social interactions. 

AQA 104: Appointing the Emotional Fluff Girl 

In life, it is your job to keep yourself emotionally aroused. This is incredibly difficult for anxious minded Queens because we learn that validation comes from OUT THERE and feeling good about what's IN HERE comes only after seeing proof that we are good. Plus perfectionism tends to get in the way of EVER seeing that we’re good. We need a  new plan...

AQA 105: Royal Rituals

Creating the practices that serve your spirit most and actually honoring them. Make time your b*tch, rest like you mean it, mother your broken spirit, take risks in the face of fear. This aint your average mediation session. 

AQA 106: Beheading the Fux

Stop worrying & overthinking EV RY THING. Show up powerfully, without guilt or insecurities or sweating through your silk sheets wondering when he's gunna text you back. 



(bet whatever vanilla-ass university you went to before this didn’t have one of these!) 

I'm lovingly referring to this bonus module as The Panic Room. Sound counterproductive to recallibrating anxious tendencies? After ten weeks, you'll be thirsty for some pain to alchemize. 

Behind the doors of room 666 are the hard as f*ck, bend over and take it, ask for more cuz it hurts so good TRUTHS that no one is telling you about your anxiety because they are trying to protect you from what they think you can’t handle. 

I’m not here to protect, save or fix ANYTHING about you. That would be spiritual abuse for me to try, or even think. 

I am here to hold the energetic space for you to metamorphosize into the Queen you're ready to be. This is the quantum leap zone. 

In the Academy you'll learn to stop being so afraid of your own mortality and start taking big risks and dancing with your life instead of hiding from it.




What might happen as a result of attending the Academy:

-Re-imagining your career or deciding on a true purpose

-Mending or ending relationships that have been in limbo or just plain crampin your style

-Freeing your true self, without worrying about what other people think

-Trusting yourself more, genuinely loving who you are & creating confidence to see yourself as your biggest fans do

-Stepping into a powerful role, making more money, having more sex, creating more time, feeling more pleasure, producing more aligned art, attracting more love...something impossible might happen.



I can't wait to poke around in that sexy little brain of yours. I am honored to be your guide on this journey to a more aligned relationship with your nervous system and a brilliant expression of your life.



The Anxious Queen Mother


Once enrolled, you get LIFETIME ACCESS to the Academy. Pay once, learn for life.

Courses start popping up in your portal on February 10th!


$1,111.00 USD

My investment is my human energetic equivalent of a soul agreement and signature, claiming understanding of the following:

Due to the custom nature of this intellectual property that cannot be returned, energy exchanges are final (ie: no refunds will be granted). 

I am aware that this course is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. 

I am willing and able to show the F up for my life and inner work like never before. It is not required that I feel 'high-vibe' and comfortable 24/7 to show up 110%. This is a true desire that I have the capacity for now. 

I have the right to use the materials included in this program to further my personal growth, but I do not have the right to reproduce, sell, distribute, or otherwise copy the intellectual property shared with me by my Coach. This shit is sacred. 

I understand that my Coach is not here to rescue, save or fix me, but to hold expansive space and call me on my bull so that I can take responsibility for crowning myself the all powerful Queen of my emotions and my life. 

I know that I am entering a portal of massive expansion, which will lead me towards all sorts of emotional jostling and bumps to my ego...and oh baby I am ready. Let's go.